Care Homes & Care Funding

Thinking ahead to a time when you may not be able to look after yourself can be daunting and distressing. It is important to consider your options for the future, such as moving into a care home or having care provided at home.

The law relating to funding long term care is complex and subject to frequent change. We can guide you and help you plan a possible care package that suits you and also preserves funds for your family.

NHS Funded Care If your illness or disability results in complex medical and healthcare needs; you may be eligible for NHS fully funded care. You should always be assessed for such care on the basis of medical need rather than your ability to pay. We can guide you through this process.

Local Authority Means Testing If you move into a care home and are not NHS funded, the local authority will conduct a means test to assess your ability to pay. The rules are complex and some of your assets may be disregarded when deciding your contribution. We can advise you and make an appeal if you think the decision is wrong.

Gifts/Trusts It is likely that you will want to protect your assets for the benefit of your family but complicated rules allow local authorities to disregard a gift if one of the main intentions was to reduce your contribution to care fees. We can help you protect your assets, for example, by placing your share of the family home into a trust in your will.

Funding Yourself It is not always necessary to sell your house to pay for care. You might consider renting your home, equity release or investing in long term care bonds. These options are often complicated and it is important that you take advice before proceeding.

Care at Home You may plan to have care at home, either through the local authority or by private arrangements. If you make private provision we can help you understand your legal responsibilities – for example would you be liable to pay compensation if your carer was injured trying to lift you?

“Sprake & Kingsley” & “Sprake & Kingsley Solicitors” are trading names of Sprake & Kingsley LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (LLP Number OC422486) whose registered office is 16 Broad Street, Bungay, NR35 1EN. 

The firm’s Partners are:
Karen Phillips (Managing), Frances Davy, John Hay,
John Williams, Anna Farquharson
The firm’s Consultants are:
David Sprake (Solicitor),
Jennifer George (Chartered Legal Executive)
The firm, its solicitors and all fee earners are only qualified to advise on English Law within the jurisdiction of England & Wales
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